Consulting and Seminars

We design and provide a wide variety of seminars. From cultural awareness to teachers’ training. Workshops are designed with the clients’ needs in mind. These can be tailored to specific client needs or can be chosen from our selected Seminars. These can be given to employees of a company or school or to individuals alone. Length and in depth may vary. We provide Seminars for children and adults. Some of our clients have been General Motors Canada, Langstaff Secondary School, Toronto, York University, University of Toronto, CIDA Government of Canada. We have been hired by organizations that provide Cross-Cultural Training like Graybridge International (Canada) and Prudential (New York), and a countless number of schools and Universities in Mexico such as: The American School Foundation , Universidad Anahuac, UNIVA, Leonardo Da Vinci and more.
Some of our previously designed Seminars:
Teaching Strategies and Techniques
Communicative Method in teaching
How to Talk to Students so they would Listen
How to Talk to Kids so they would Listen
Things to know when working Canada/or Mexico
Things to know when living in Mexico/Canada
Canada-Mexico Consulting:
Our main goal is to help our clients to better understand another culture and how to work together with them to achieve their goals. We can help from suggesting a place to visit to how to set up a business. Fees may vary depending on length and depth of consulting. Guaranteed to safe you time , energy and money!!!