Foreign Language Teaching Certificate Program

This course is not graded. However, the requirements to pass the course are as follows:
1) To attend at least 8 of the 10 classes
2) To ensure getting the material that was given in case of absence
3) To hand in all projects assigned by the instructor
4) To participate in class
5) To ensure the understanding the material ( make sure to communicate with the instructor)
6) Complete 10 hours of teaching practicum. Including both observations and teaching.
7) Complete teaching observations package successfully.
8) Obtain a 95% final grade for Spelling and proofreading in Spanish.
9) To complete a teaching video and lesson plan.
10) To obtain a PASS with no further recommendations from your instructor.
All students will receive a LETTER OF COMPLETION of the program if they have fulfilled points 1 to 4 in the above list.
In the event a student is not able to fulfill the requirements for passing the course, he/she may make arrangements with the instructor and the program coordinator to be able to complete the course. A student must fulfill all the instructor’s recommendations in their final evaluation before they seeking paid employment as a Spanish teacher.
Students are allowed to attend further classes in TSFL Certificate Program at no additional cost.
Margarita De Antuñano
Program Coordinator