About Us

We offer classes for adults, children and teens. One of the greatest gifts one can have is the opportunity to learn another language. Spanish is becoming an essential language for the business and academic world in Canada. Our programs allow our students to learn the Spanish language and culture through meaningful and fun material like enjoying art and music. Students have fun!.
All classes can be offered in a GROUP SETTING or PRIVATE TUTORIALS.
Cost is $ 190 plus HST per level ( Group Setting or Private Tutorial )
We would like to provide you with as much information as you require about the Spanish classes. That is why we encourage you to give us a call at:
We have small groups with personalized attention or private tutorials where the class is designed for your needs only.
The instructor will find out the best way for you to learn, as some people learn better visually, others aurally, etc. The instruction is also designed to fulfill your needs as a learner while using the communicative and situational approach.
Our courses help you learn how to think in Spanish, rather than translate from English to Spanish. The use of the Spanish language is from the first class by getting into different “day to day ” situations (e.g. asking for directions).
Four Skills Classes:
You will develop competency in the four skills, which are speaking, listening, reading and writing.
We believe that an important factor in learning a language is by enjoying the learning process and we guarantee that this will be fun! It will keep your motivation up. Students are encouraged to participate actively during our classes.
Through experience, we are convinced that learning occurs in the classroom, only if the material is meaningful. Please feel free to let your instructor know what you would like to learn. Since the course is designed for small groups, you will have a greater opportunity to express yourself in the class. We also hope that you will have the motivation and the time to do some work out of class. You will advance more quickly.
At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of attendance.
Flexible Schedule:
We understand that you have a busy schedule, reason for which we offer classes during the morning, afternoon, and evenings. Classes are held once a week for two hours for eight weeks in a group setting or a package of six hours to complete a level for private tutorials that you book as needed.
There are 9 levels of Spanish: 3 Basic, 3 Intermediate, and 3 Advanced. In one term you will be able to advance one level, for example, from Basic I to Basic II.
Basic I will give you the necessary basic survival language (e.g. asking for directions, ordering in a restaurant, greetings, etc.)
About our instructors:
Bearers of graduate degrees in foreign language teaching. All of our instructors are native speakers of the language with either Master’s or Ph.D. degrees, with more than 16 years of experience in teaching both in Canada and abroad. They have been selected among hundreds of instructors in Toronto, to teach at the Canada-Mexico Cultural Exchange Centre. Our students have found that our instructors are excellent, besides fun and friendly.
About The Coordinator:
Margarita De Antuñano is a Spanish native speaker from Mexico. She is the former director of her own languages school in Mexico, where she directed and taught for 10 years. She also designed and coordinated the Modern Language Center at the University del Valle de Atemajac in Mexico. De Antuñano has worked for international language schools and taught ESL and Spanish in Europe and North America. She has a B.A. in Foreign Language Teaching, an M.A. in Adult Education and is a Doctoral candidate in Adult Education at OISE, University of Toronto. She teaches Spanish at a prestigious independent school in Hamilton and coordinates the Foreign Language Teaching Certificate Program for the CMCEC.